5 Experiential Marketing Examples That Will Get You Leads
Being a marketer today gives you so many options to do your job. One of these options is experiential marketing. In this article, we’re sharing five experiential marketing examples for everyone who would like to learn more about this technique.
First, it’s crucial to read that term again and not to confuse it with experimental. There’s not much experimenting in this one. The word experiential is derived from experience or observation. That’s what we are going to do here, mainly.
If you want to see some examples of doing the marketing job this way, then follow up to see more on it, but first, let’s dive deeper into what it really is.
What is experiential marketing?
The experiential marketing technique lets potential customers experience a particular brand in person. It is often called live marketing or event marketing experience.
During the Covid-19 pandemics, it became almost impossible to practice this one at events. However, some examples show that a proper digital brand management can be effective even without physical presence. Let’s see some of these examples.
- The Simpsons Move premiere transforms a market into Apu’s store
Despite the fact it’s the pandemic, we all need to go to the store. That’s why this example can work amazingly good for some of the upcoming campaigns as an idea.
What the Simpsons marketers did, is transforming one of the 7-Eleven markets into the recognizable Apu’s Kwik-E-Marts. This happened in 2007 but it can still be used today as a brilliant way to familiarize customers with an upcoming product.
Customers were able to get inside and enjoy a true Simpsons experience. They were offered some Simpsons only products, like Buzz Cola, Squishee, and Krusty O’s Cereals. Imagine the faces of Simpsons fans getting inside.
2. Derrick Rose jumps for Adidas in London
This one became a trend since the first time it was done. What Adidas did is make a pop-up store in London. Derrick Rose, the popular point guard from the Chicago Bulls back then, challenged anyone who was up for getting a new pair of sneakers.
The sneakers were placed at a higher bar and those who managed to jump high enough would’ve got a new pair for them. Rose was there to promote the event. This can be done because it doesn’t necessarily need a huge audience, and the cameras can film the whole thing and put it live online.
3. BBC Earth launch in Norway
When the globally popular BBC Earth had a launch in Norway, they made a spectacular experiential campaign. They placed tons of screens across the city of Oslo. Bus stations, malls, stores, anywhere they could’ve gotten access.
It’s amazing how interactive this can get when people are not aware that it’s there. A simple TV screen with a snake crawling on it made people go berserk thinking it’s alive. Then, the logo and the ad would’ve pop-up to let people know it’s just a trick. Amazingly successful.
4. Project Mapping for BMW
This project turned several BMW 7 series into a multi-art installation on the cars themselves. With some outstanding artists and modern technology, they turned the cars into moving billboards catching the attention to anyone nearby.
They did this in more cities across the globe raising awareness to the new series for millions of people. Nothing better than a flashing BMW passing you by on the freeway.
5. Coca Cola and the Yes machine
In Australia, Coca Company installed a bottle dispenser that is activated simply by shouting “YES” to it. They wanted to promote the new sugar-free bottle in the country, and it seems like they made quite a success.
It was also a test to see how voice recognition dispensers can be used. It turned out great, and now the company has lots of ideas and options on how to make profits without involving any human contact with their employees and customers.
Wrap up
Five amazing examples that show how cool can the experiential marketing industry can be. Yes, it’s kinda problematic with the Covid and all, but as you can see some options can make a change. Some of these ideas can easily be adapted and implemented into new projects to raise awareness.